Montessori Moments

I remember the very first time I entered a Montessori classroom. What was this? It didn't look or feel anything like the learning environment I was familiar with. My child was intrigued. I was enthralled. Thirteen years later, I still believe that there is something magical about the Montessori way. SO much so, that I wanted to create products that would "naturally" fit onto those Montessori shelves. Clocca "fills" in the gaps and allows teachers to spend their time observing and guiding those intrigued little minds...

Monday, August 9, 2010

As part of Clocca Concept's United States History series, the U.S. Presidents is by far, the most popular card set purchased. Designed in a "Who Am I" format, students can match the Presidents to their biographical sketch cards OR align the Presidents by term date on the Time Line Scroll. A Curriculum Guide accompanies each of our products and includes ideas for supplemental activities in each historical area.

Here are many activities to supplement your historical learning area:

A Historical Pageant

Have students chose a U.S. President for the Historical Pageant. They can research their President and either give an oral report OR perform a famous speech. Have the students dress according to times. This can be fun for students, teachers, and parents alike....

Presidential Interviews Activity

Students pretend they have discovered a time machine, and can travel back to any period in American History. They chose their favorite president, and conduct an interview. This can be accomplished one of two ways.